4th W25 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rozhovor s Terezou Smitkovou po postupe do semifinále dvojhry

4th W25 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Daria Khomutsianskaya's interview after she won in the quarterfinals

4th W25 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Alice Robbe's interview after she won in the 1st round

4th W25 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rozhovor s Dominikou Šalkovou po postupe do 2. kola dvojhry

4th W25 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rozhovor s Nikolou Daubnerovou po postupe do 2. kola dvojhry

4th W25 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Sapfo Sakellaridi's interview after she advanced to the second round

4th W25 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rozhovor s Biancou Behúlovou po postupe do 2. kola dvojhry

4th W25 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rozhovor s Nikolou Bartůňkovou po postupe do 2. kola
