1st W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rozhovor s Renátou Jamrichovou po postupe do 2. kola dvojhry

1st W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Katie Swan's interview after 1R win

1st W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Rozhovor s Rebeccou Šramkovou po postupe do 2. kola dvojhry

1st W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Xinyu WANG's interview after her 1R win against 14-years old Oktiabreva

1st W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2022: Mona Barthel's interview after her win in qualifying final round

EMPIRE Indoor Tennis Tour 2022: Pozvánka na turnaje

ESO 2019: Rozhovor s finalistkou Annou Blinkovovou

ESO 2019: Interview with the singles winner Bernarda Pera
