2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Rozhovor s Luciou Havlíčkovou po postupe do semifinále dvojhry

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Greet Minnen interview after she won in the 2nd round

2nd EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Rozhovor s Radkou Zelníčkovou po postupe do štvrťfinále dvojhry

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Rozhovor s Radkou Zelníčkovou po postupe do 2. kola

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Rozhovor s Terezou Smitkovou po postupe do 2. kola

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Lea Boskovic interview after she won in the 1st round

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Oceane Dodin interview after she won in the 1st round

2nd W60 EMPIRE Women's Indoor 2023: Viktoriya Tomova interview after she advanced to the 2R
